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Page of, er, well News really




March 2024

New short, The House that Whispers, wins the One Week challenge on SimplScripts

January 2023

Short script 'Cannibals do Masterchef' optioned by a Producer based in the UK. 

December 2022

Short script 'Gift Horse' optioned by a US Producer.

October 2022
Short film 'Connessi', from my script 'Connected' won the award for best sci-fi film at the Dublin International Short Film Music Festival 2022. .

January 2022

New film available online, dark romcom based on my original script - Don't Be That Guy

December 2021

Ten new shorts added to the site.

November 2021

Commissioned to write a series of animated shorts for a Producer in Dubai.

July 2021

A new version of one my short films, Press 1 for... has been produced.


June 2021

My short script, Forgive me Father, has been sold to a filmmaker in New York.







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